ThinkStacks Review: Your personal Travel/Desk assistant just got a whole new look of simple

ThinkPad Stack is a versatile innovation that connects four popular accessories into one. A Wireless Router,
A Bluetooth  Speaker, an External Hard Drive and a Power Bank, all designed into stack form factor which helps you
make the most efficient use of space. Its modular design gives you the flexibility of bringing only the ones you need.
Multiple combinations of options make it more than what you see. By utilizing the Stack Assistant Software Application,
users can quickly and easily setup, manage and share resources with multiple devices. No matter if you are working
in a café, hotel or simply in transit, you will always enjoy the matching office support on the go.

The thinkstack is the perfect office or travel companion

A complete overview of the thinkstack is below


Side pose


     Showing that sexy clean rear 


The ports(3x USB for charging, 3x Micro USB for charging up the accessories, USB 3.0 for the 1tb external hdd , 1x AUX port and a USB 2.0 on the wifi hotspot to connect an external USB)


The front with all its green LED’s and buttons


           All the nick nacks in the box (mini Yoga and Thinkpad sold separately)


The power bank


The 10,000MAH powerbank can charge upto 2 devices at a time and simultaneously run all its accessories


The speaker 


The speaker on its own battery gives upto 16 hours of playback but when paired to the stack speaker it is capable of giving upto 48hours of playback and this I have personally tested, the speaker has 1x Micro USB for charging and 1X AUX got analog input but at the same time the device has a mic and bluetooth aka when your in a conference call on your phone just paid your phone with the bluetooth enabled speaker and let it handle the audio for you and the speaker is very clear and very loud


1tb external USB 3.0 HDD as recognized by windows as an external SCSI disk



The External HDD is capable of 100mb write and 170mb write and has more than enough room for all your photos and videos for an approx 10 years and documents, ive personally dropped this disk as a network device so it handles all the pictures, movies, backups of all the pc’s in my house


Stack external hotspot


Unfortunately the stack hotspot does not have a battery of its own unlike the stack speaker but what it does have is excellent signal boosting capabilities, also has 5ghz frequency and allows you to either connect a USB device to that port or your dial up internet dongle. Micro USB for providing power


                                      LAN port for hard wiring your machine 


That nicely designed box, just by feeling the packaging you know that this is a premium product 




You can buy the ThinkPad Thinkstack from here Click me